The School Nurses' Office is located in the Academy For Information Technology (Bistocchi Hall) Room 503.
School Nurse
Laws in New Jersey protect the privacy of health information. The nurse is not permitted to notify a student’s teachers about health conditions without the written permission of the parent/guardian each year. Board of Education employees shall not be responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of student illness. When unforeseen situations arise and an accident occurs, a school nurse will be responsible for providing emergency services to a student.
The school nurse office is located in Bistocchi Hall. Students must obtain a pass from their teacher and return with the pass signed by the nurse. Enter Bistocchi Hall through the front door. Students should report to the nurse if they were sent home from school ill or injured the last day they attended; if they are coming to school for the first time with crutches, casts or other appliances that may interfere with their ability to participate fully in the school program; and if a teacher has immediate concerns, i.e. a student who arrives with red eyes and purulent discharge that may indicate pink eye.
Guidelines for dealing with Accidents/Injuries
The nurse or another trained person shall be responsible for administering first aid
In all cases where the nature of an injury appears in any way serious, every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian and/or family physician immediately
In extreme emergencies, the school nurse, school physician or principal will contact the local first aid squad and the police for treatment/hospitalization/ of injured students.
Notify the nurse of any health matters that may affect a student’s participation in school, especially health issues that may cause and emergency during the school day.
Administering Medication
The school medication administration policy applies during the school day and to all school sponsored trips and activities. All medication whether prescribed or over the counter will be administered in accordance with law and code which prohibit student administration of medication except under special circumstances. The administration of medication to a student during school hours will be permitted only when failure to take such medication would jeopardize the health of the student, or the student would not be able to attend school if the medication were not made available to him/her during school hours.
Students requiring medication at school must have a written statement from the primary health care provider identifying the diagnosis, the medication, the dosage, the time(s) for administration, and the number of days on which the medication is to be administered. The board shall require the written request of the parent/guardian or adult student, which shall give permission for such administration and relieve the board and its employees of liability for administration of medication. The form can be obtained at the nurse’s office. Permission is effective for the school year for which it is granted and must be renewed for each subsequent school year. State law prohibits staff members from distributing any medical treatment (including over the counter medications) to students unless the staff member is appropriately licensed.
Self-Administering Of Medications
The board shall permit self-administration of medication by students for asthma or other potentially life-threatening illnesses only if proper documentation from the primary healthcare provider, parent and student has been submitted. This policy applies on school premises during regular school hours and off-site or after regular school hours when a student is participating in field trips or extracurricular activities. Permission is effective for the school year for which it is granted and must be renewed for each subsequent school year. The form can be obtained at the nurse’s office.