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The Union County Vocational-Technical School District is dedicated to advancing the learning and well being of all students. A quality learning experience is provided that fosters democratic values, risk taking and a love of learning.
We are committed to developing students’ career, decision making and employability skills. Equal treatment, fairness and respect for diversity are taught and modeled by all.
Our faculty guides students to understand the competing demands and responsibilities that are part of the world of work and to embrace a practice of life-long learning.
By The Numbers
Business and Industry Connections
More than 200 students are placed in internships with local business and industries each year.
Union County Students
UCVTS enrolls more than 2,000 students each year from every municipality in Union County
AP / College Level Courses
100% of our full-time students either take Advanced Placement coursework or take college level, credit bearing coursework before graduating.
Graduation Rate
UCVTS holds a 100% graduation rate for students.
Students to Teacher
The UCVTS Students to Teachers ratio is 14:1.